Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Supposedly proud to say that i am participate 
in this Dogathon for this year.

Hey, wait 4 a minute..
Do you guys know wat Dogathon is??
It is the largest dog gathering in Malaysia.

More information:

Sunday, October 2 · 6:30am - 2:00pm


Created By

More Info
DOGATHON 2011, now in its 15th year, is a charity event organized by the VETERNAK & Zoologico Club of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM.

"Woofing, Wagging, and We're off to the Whimsical Wonderland!"

It is "THE LARGEST DOG GATHERING IN MALAYSIA” in the MALAYSIA BOOK OF RECORDS! A total of 1,111 dogs came last year!

Main objective is to channel funds for a student run project called ProKasih, which aims for better stray animal welfare & to promote responsible pet ownership.

"LIKE" our Dogathon 2011 page on Facebook to learn about us:

We are also on TWITTER! Follow us:

For more info, Please visit:

Our blog is also available at:

For further enquiries, email us at:

So, you guys wat u're waiting for? Those who
have dog or not , u're invited!!
See u there..

Lovely regards,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Busy Giler...

Isk... da masuk alam u nie, bz giler rase idop..
Hurm, baru 1st year da busy cm aper..
Kumpul merit sne sni...

Subjek susa plak..
Masuk klas cm blank2 jer..
Cam ner la klo benda nie drag smpai 5thun ek..

Cmner plak ngn kwn2 aku kat u lain?
Dyowg suffer cm aku gak ker?
Harap dyowg ok jer..

Gudluck kowg sumer..
All the best...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Popiah Perancis..

In The Name of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

Time puasa tu kan puas la google nk melantak makan pe time buka..
Tgok kuih tu, preview kuih nie..
Mcm2 ader, ko ader??Eh, mrepek..

Ader yg simple.. Ader yg leceh..
Tapi klo bley nk yg sgt senang la kan...
Senang buat senang masuk mulut..

So.. tgok lantai freezer ape yg ader..
Then layan popiah style aku..

Bahan2 wajib:

3 biji bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
1 sudu serbuk lada hitam
1 sudu sos tiram
2 sudu sos cili 
2 sudu sos tomato
2 sudu cili kering (siap kisar)
1 sudu kecil lada putih

Bahan2 penting:

10 batang sosej
3 biji telur
Kulit popiah

Bahan2 sunat:

1 sudu serbuk kari
1 sudu kecil sos sotong
1 sudu minyak zaitun


1. Potong bawang merah, putih, sayur2 tu.

Potong la benda alah nie kan

Pastu kubis plak

2. Belah2 sosej memanjang coz kita nk bungkus dlm 
kulit popiah.

Camnie la gayanyer

3. Panaskan kuali then tumis bebawang tuh smpai naik 
bau then tumis cili kering hingga masak.

4. Masukkan plak segala bahan2 wajib yg blom masok td.
Bahan2 sunat klo xnak letak pon xpe.

5. Bila bau cm best cket, masukkan sosej then telur.

6. Garam n ajinomoto pepandai la bajet masuk yer and 
last skali masuk sesayur.

Nie yang da siap

7. Tunggu sejuk then masukkan dalam kulit popiah cm biasa.
Then goreng.

Klo ader lebih bleh simpan

Siap goreng
Sedap makan ngn  sos n mayonis

Sharing is caring..
Sesuai makan time petang or buka puasa

Atau bile korang rasa nk makan, makan la...